Monday, December 31, 2012

Alabama Football: 3rd National Title Would Make Nick Saban BCS Era's Best Coach

Alabama has a chance to make history in this year?s national-championship game, and with a victory over Notre Dame, Nick Saban would unquestionably become the greatest coach of the BCS Era.

The first BCS title game was played to cap off the 1998 season, and since then, there have been several great champions and coaches who have achieved remarkable success.

Bobby Bowden led Florida State to three consecutive title games between 1998 and 200. Larry Coker took Miami to two consecutive national-championship games in 2001 and 2002, while Pete Carroll did the same with USC in 2004 and 2005.

Bob Stoops has taken Oklahoma to college football?s marque contest three times, while Mack Brown has led Texas there twice.

But all have these coaches have one thing in common: They all have losses with a national title on the line. Saban does not.?

The only other coach in the BCS era to reach multiple national-championship games without losing is Urban Meyer, who won titles in 2006 and 2008. If there is any coach in nation whose r?sum? could hope to compare to Saban?s, it is Meyer.

After winning two national titles in three years, Meyer took a break from coaching to spend time with his family but returned to football this season with Ohio State. He led to Buckeyes to an undefeated season despite NCAA sanctions placed on the program.

Who is the BCS era's greatest coach?

    Who is the BCS era's greatest coach?

  • Bobby Bowden

  • Pete Carroll

  • Urban Meyer

  • Nick Saban

  • Bob Stoops

  • Mack Brown

  • Other

Meyer is certainly on track to take Ohio State back to being a national contender, but as of now, his accomplishments would not come near Saban?s if Alabama wins on January 7.

The Alabama boss won his first national title with LSU during the 2003 season. After a brief stint in the NFL, he returned to the SEC to turn the Crimson Tide into a national powerhouse.

He has succeeded beyond anyone?s wildest expectations, and a victory would make Alabama the first team in BCS history to win three national titles. To make the feat even more impressive, it will be the school?s third championship in just four years.?

Saban is already the only coach to win a national championship at two different schools and to win three BCS titles. While he may already be the greatest coach in the BCS era, a win over Notre Dame would put his track record completely beyond comparison to any of his peers'.?


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    Students ignore health warnings and continue use of energy drinks

    HARRISONBURG, Va. -- Acting on a late-night tip, Drew McMillan bounded up to the third floor of James Madison University's Rose Library and found a black filing cabinet with a homemade sign on top: ?Test answers.?

    He pulled open a drawer, revealing dozens of cans of Red Bull, a free finals-week gift from the energy company's on-campus promoters. He snapped a photo, posted it on Facebook, and tweeted: ?Is this real life??

    Within minutes last week, McMillan's phone blew up with texts from friends wanting to know where the stash was. Soon, the library's tables and study rooms were dotted with Red Bull's slim trademark cans.

    With finals season recently past, weary students were looking for anything that could help them endure late-night study sessions. Energy drink companies, whose products are already popular on college campuses, are increasingly looking to replace coffee as a student's go-to answer for a stamina boost during finals -- and then for late nights after graduation. As one Red Bull advertisement states: ?Nobody ever wishes they'd slept more during college.?

    But this biannual marketing blitz comes amid renewed calls from lawmakers and health activists in recent months for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate such beverages more strictly, in the aftermath of several deaths that could be connected to energy drinks.

    ?We wouldn't survive nursing school without caffeine,? said Kelsey

    Sipe, 22, a senior at JMU who mostly drinks coffee, but often adds in energy drinks. ?We tell others not to drink them, because they can increase your blood pressure, and then -- kcssshhhh! -- we open one.?

    A 2008 study of undergraduates at a large public university found that 39 percent of students had consumed at least one energy drink in the past month, with considerably higher rates for males and white students. The study, funded with a National Institute on Drug Abuse grant, noted that energy drink marketing tactics are ?similar to those used to sell tobacco and alcohol to youths.?

    Fifteen years ago, energy drinks barely existed. Now it's a booming industry that continues to grow. In the past year, U.S. energy drink sales totaled more than $8 billion, up more than 15 percent from a year ago, according to SymphonyIRI Group, a Chicago-based market research firm.

    In that time nationwide, Red Bull sold more than a billion cans and Monster sold more than 1.2 billion, a total that would equate to more than seven cans per American. And that's just for those two leading brands.

    Red Bull, which hit the country in the late 1990s, is credited with creating this industry using a Thai recipe. Today there are hundreds of energy drinks on the market, ranging from 1.93-ounce 5-Hour Energy shots to 32-ounce cans of Monster. Even Starbucks has gotten into the game, producing sparkling energy drinks and canned espresso beverages.

    That proliferation has intensified debate about a long-standing question: Are energy drinks safe?

    The focus of that question is often one of the main ingredients: caffeine. Energy drinks contain from 2.5 to 35.7 milligrams of caffeine per ounce; energy shots may have as much as 170 milligrams of caffeine per ounce, according to researchers.

    Energy drink companies often say their products contain about the same amount of caffeine, if not less, than strongly brewed coffee. Estimates for the amount of caffeine in coffee can go as high as 30 milligrams per ounce.

    The FDA limits the amount of caffeine in soft drinks to about 71 milligrams for a 12-ounce can. Energy drinks and shots are usually sold as dietary supplements or food products, which don't have a caffeine limit. And other ingredients in energy drinks touted for purported benefits -- such as taurine and ginseng -- aren't regulated by the FDA.

    Studies have set different limits for the amount of caffeine an adult can handle safely, ranging from 200 to 400 milligrams a day. Consumption of more than 500 to 600 milligrams can lead to ?caffeine intoxication,? which can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability, upset stomach, increased heart rate or muscle tremors. In rare cases, caffeine can contribute to a person's death, but experts say the stimulant alone usually isn't enough to kill healthy adults.

    But for children and adolescents, more than 200 milligrams of caffeine can be dangerous, and the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against giving children energy drinks.

    In December 2011, a 14-year-old girl in Hagerstown, Md., drank two 24-ounce Monster drinks she bought at a mall. The two cans combined contained at least 480 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of 14 cans of Coca-Cola or two very strong cups of coffee.

    Within hours of finishing the second can, Anais Fournier went into cardiac arrest and later died. Fournier had a preexisting condition that was complicated by the change in her heartbeat caused by the caffeine, according to a lawsuit her parents filed in October.

    In response to the lawsuit, Monster Beverage said in a statement: ?Neither the science nor the facts support the allegations that have been made. Monster reiterates that its products are and have always been safe.?

    Fournier's death last year prompted two senators and a host of health activists to urge further FDA investigation into energy drinks. This fall the FDA disclosed that it is investigating more than 100 reports filed during the past five years of ?adverse events? possibly tied to energy drinks or shots, including at least 18 deaths.

    Companies that make the drinks and supplements maintain that their products are safe.

    The increased focus on energy drinks this fall has also become the topic du jour for parental lectures.

    Nicholas Marsilio, a junior history major at James Madison, said his mother frequently asks whether he's drinking energy drinks -- and urges him to find a natural energy jolt from exercise or sleep.

    ?My parents never had energy drinks. They don't get it,? said Marsilio, 21. ?Their energy drinks were coffee at two in the morning. . . . That's definitely a generation switch.?

    Marsilio said he started drinking Monster when he was in high school so he could stay up late playing video games. Then he enrolled at James Madison, a public university about two hours southwest of Washington in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. At first, Marsilio would buy cases of energy drinks. Now, he buys them one at a time from a campus dining facility, which has a contract with Coca-Cola and sells the company's energy drink brand, NOS.

    ?I like it,? Marsilio said, sipping a citrus-flavored NOS in James Madison's Carrier Library at 10 p.m. last week. ?It's really the taste for me.?

    There are dangers for some: Experts say that chugging energy drinks, especially while working out, can reveal an unknown heart condition in an otherwise healthy young person. Low-calorie, sugar-free energy drinks are sometimes used by students with serious eating disorders. And then there's the sometimes deadly combination of energy drinks and alcohol.

    In November 2010, the FDA deemed it unsafe to sell pre-mixed caffeinated alcoholic drinks, such as Four Loko, which has since removed caffeine from its products. Although drinking usually comes with the depressive effects of alcohol, energy drinks and caffeine can keep drinkers awake and alert, ready to drink more. Many bars stock energy drinks as mixers.

    After the ban was imposed, a group of health researchers wrote to the FDA, telling officials that college students can still mix their own alcoholic energy drinks and urging further action.

    ?Energy drink use is highly prevalent,? they wrote. ?A trip to any college campus would reveal that energy drinks have become enmeshed in the subculture of partying on US college campuses.?

    Energy drinks were originally marketed primarily to college students, especially athletes. Red Bull and Monster sponsor extreme sports teams and hire outgoing students to promote their products on campuses and in clubs.

    McMillan, the James Madison junior who found the Red Bull trove in the library, said finals week has become an extreme sport for him.

    This year he tried ?this nocturnal thing? -- sleeping during the day and studying through the night when distractions were few and Facebook was quiet. A string of Monsters and Red Bulls helped him do it.

    ?If I were to just stay at home and away from the library, I would probably get way more done,? he said. ?There is an ideal or an expectation that just because it's finals week, you go crazy. It's so hard not to get into it. It's almost fun. . . . You have to go to extreme measures to get stuff done.?


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    Sunday, December 30, 2012

    Empty Target Shelves, The Little White House And More Instagrams Of The Week (PHOTOS)

    This week at HuffPost Style, we all celebrated the holiday season. Between vacations in Florida, hitting the slopes and wrapping last-minute gifts, our team found some time to relax and recharge before the new year.

    In this post, we've collected a few of our favorite Instagrams of the week (just in case family gatherings and Christmas dinners had you missing out). Click through the slideshow below for a peek at The Little White House, and see what happens when you wait until the eleventh hour to do your holiday shopping at Target.

    • Our editor @astrzemien snapped a pic of The Little White House in Key West, a longtime vacation spot of US presidents. Obama, it's ready for ya...

    • What happens when beauty editors go on vacation.

    • The lovely @christinahuffington shared her beauty secrets with us.

    • Look who it is: HuffPost's very own @danielshea in this month's @voguemagazine!

    • Spending a relaxing Christmas Day with family, friends, pets -- and Vogue! #happyholidays

    • Merry Christmas Eve!

    • Merry Christmas!

    • One of our editors spotted this strange furry hat on the slopes -- what IS that? (Credit: J. Klein)

    • All we want for Christmas are awesome fashion books.

    • Do not -- we repeat, DO NOT -- attempt to buy anything at your local Target today #shoppingfail

    • There's still time to get your ugly Christmas sweaters, guys!

    • Cookie is helping us wrap some last-minute holiday gifts.

    • Ugh, now we can never unsmell this.

    • How we like to start our mornings: Eye cream and eggs. #beauty #skincare

    • Things are about to get shiny! Playing with MAC loose pigments. #makeup #beauty

    • Time to dig into our @cwonderstore piggy bank and go hit up the after Christmas sales!!

    • From us to you...

    • @polishyoupretty's #Christmas Yule log cake DIY nail art! #nails #beauty

    • Practicing our NYE makeup look with @mallybeauty's waterproof eyeliners. #funfunfun #beauty #makeup

    Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram at @HuffPostStyle.
    Do you have a style story idea or tip? Email us at (PR pitches sent to this address will be ignored.)

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    GOP governors walk balance beam on health care law

    ATLANTA (AP) ? Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who made a fortune as a health care executive, long opposed President Barack Obama's remake of the health insurance market. After the Democratic president won re-election, the Republican governor softened his tone. He said he wanted to "have a conversation" with the administration about implementing the 2010 law. With a federal deadline approaching, he also said while Florida won't set up the exchange for individuals to buy private insurance policies, the feds can do it.

    In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie held his cards before saying he won't set up his own exchange, but he's avoided absolute language and says he could change his mind. He's also leaving his options open to accept federal money to expand Medicaid insurance for people who aren't covered. The caveat, Christie says, is whether Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius can "answer my questions" about its operations and expense.

    Both Republican governors face re-election in states that Obama won twice, Christie in 2013 and Scott in 2014. And both will encounter well-financed Democrats.

    Their apparent struggles on the issue, along with other postures by their GOP colleagues elsewhere, suggest political uncertainty for Republicans as the Affordable Care Act starts to go into effect two years after clearing Congress without a single Republican vote. The risks also are acute for governors in Democratic-leaning or swing-voting states or who know their records will be parsed should they seek the presidency in 2016 or beyond.

    "It's a tough call for many Republican governors who want to do the best thing for their state but don't want to be seen as advancing an overhaul that many Republicans continue to detest," said Whit Ayers, a consultant in Virginia whose clients include Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee, a Republican who didn't announce his rejection of a state exchange until days before Sebelius's Dec. 14 deadline.

    Indeed, cracks keep growing in the near-unanimous Republican rejection of Obama's health care law that characterized the GOP's political messaging for the last two years. Five GOP-led states ? Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah ? are pressing ahead with state insurance exchanges. Ongoing monitoring by The Associated Press shows that another five Republican-led states are pursuing or seriously a partnership with Washington to help run the new markets.

    Democrats, meanwhile, hope to use the law and Republican inflexibility to their advantage, betting that more Americans will embrace the law once it expands coverage. The calculus for voters, Democrats assume, will become more about the policy and less about a polarizing president.

    "It shouldn't be complicated at all," said John Anzalone, an Obama pollster who assists Democrats in federal races across the country. Anzalone said Republicans could use their own states-rights argument to justify running exchanges. Instead, he said, "They are blinded by Obama-hatred rather than seeing what's good for their citizens."

    Governors can set up their own exchanges, partner with Sebelius' agency or let the federal government do it. The exchanges are set to open Jan. 1, 2014, allowing individuals and businesses to shop online for individual policies from private insurers. Low- and middle-income individuals will get federal premium subsidies calculated on a sliding income scale. Eighteen states plus Washington, DC, most led by Democrats, have committed to opening their own exchanges.

    The law also calls for raising the income threshold for Medicaid eligibility to cover people making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line, or about $15,400 a year for an individual. That could add more than 10 million people, most of them childless adults, to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income and disabled Americans. Together, the exchanges and the Medicaid expansion are expected to reduce the number of uninsured by about 30 million people within the next decade.

    A Supreme Court ruling last summer made the Medicaid expansion voluntary, rather than mandatory for states. At least eight governors, all of them Republicans, have already said they have no plans to expand Medicaid.

    The complexity is obvious.

    National exit polls from last month's election showed that 49 percent of voters wanted some or all of Obama's signature legislative achievement rolled back. Among self-identified independents, that number was 58 percent. Among Republicans, it spiked to 81 percent. When asked about the role of government, half of respondents said the notion that government is doing too much fits their views more closely than the idea that government should do more.

    Before the election, a national AP-GfK poll suggested that 63 percent of respondents preferred their states to run insurance exchanges, almost double the 32 percent who wanted the federal government to take that role. And the same electorate that tilts toward repealing some or all of the new law clearly re-elected its champion.

    That's not the most important consideration for governors who face re-election in Republican states. Georgia's Nathan Deal and Alabama's Robert Bentley, who also face 2014 campaigns, initially set up advisory commissions to consider how to carry out the health care law, but they've since jumped ship. But, unlike others, Deal and Bentley aren't eyeing national office.

    Three Republicans who are viewed as potential national candidates ? Rick Perry of Texas, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana ? were full-throated opponents. Jindal, the only one of the three who is term-limited, is the incoming chairman of the Republican Governors Association. In that role, he has co-signed more conciliatory letters to Sebelius asking questions to flesh out how the designs might work.

    Republican governors also are feeling quiet pressure from hospitals and other providers.

    Deal, the Georgia governor, offers the typical argument for saying no: "We can't afford it." But the law envisions the new Medicaid coverage more or less as a replacement of an existing financing situation that pays hospitals to treat the uninsured. The law contemplates cuts in that program, which already requires state seed money. The idea was that expanding Medicaid coverage would reduce "uncompensated care" costs.

    "Some of those cuts were made with the expectation that Medicaid would be expanded and that hospitals would be paid for portions of business that we are not being paid for now," said Don Dalton of the North Carolina Hospital Association.

    Dalton's Governor-elect, Republican Pat McCrory, said as a candidate that he opposed Medicaid expansion. Dalton said his industry is leaning on McCrory and legislative leaders, though he commended "their deliberate approach." Similar efforts are underway in South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri and elsewhere.

    For Democrats, Anzalone said the framing will be simpler: "You don't want to take a 9-to-1 match? That's a pretty easy investment. These governors who aren't expanding Medicaid, they're basically giving taxpayer money to the states that do."


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    The Ugly Duckling House | DIY Home Improvement Blog: Saturday ...

    I suppose that it's only natural for us to enjoy seeing a little sparkle when the weather turns cold. ?Everything turns wet and gray; I can't help but want to dust a little glitter on everything around the house. ?With that idea in mind, here are six picks with the perfect amount of shimmer.



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    Saturday, December 29, 2012

    CRITIQUE ARTICLE 2: Use of Career Education and ... - Blog Archive

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    ARTICLE 2:

    Use of Career Education and Occupation Information Services in

    Boosting Enrolment into Vocational and Technical Education

    Programs in Nigeria


    Igbinedion, V. I.1 & I. J. Ojeaga1

    Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Benin

    (International Education Studies; Vol. 5, No. 4; 2012)


    The authors has discussed about to address issues of youth unemployment, poverty and international competitiveness in skills development towards current and projected opportunities and challenges. Numerous reforms in vocational and technical education programs over the years, they still remain greatly detested by students and parents in Nigeria as evidenced in low enrolment when compared with sciences, engineering, banking and finance, and medicine.

    The authors was also describe that technical and vocational education in Nigeria is so misconstrued that it has become extremely difficult in management perspective, to administer the program to meet societal ever changing needs. Presently, the program is bedeviled by many challenges that hinder the realization of its objectives as specified by the National Policy on Education of Federal Government of Nigeria (2004). One of these challenges is low enrolment. It is the concern of that enrolment into technical and vocational programs may be low not because Nigerian youths are lazy nor do not want to use their hands to work. But it may be because many Nigerians do not fully understand the benefits, scope and content of the program and lack of vocational or career education and occupation information services to students while in or out of schools.

    The authors also mentioned that many of them make choices without proper understanding of their abilities, interests and attitudes. Most of the young people are said to select occupations like medicine, engineering, accounting mainly because of the positions and prestige attached to the job and not necessarily as a result of conscious assessment of the individual?s interests and abilities. Therefore, career education may be a veritable means of providing career awareness and information services to students in order to improve enrolment in vocational and technical education in Nigeria. Students, parents and the society at large look unto the school to help the adolescents and youth make career decision based on realistic abilities, interests and availability. Therefore, it is required to use of career education and occupation information services in boosting enrolment in vocational and technical education programs in Nigeria.

    In addition, from the author?s research, they are also identified some of the factors responsible for low enrolment in TVET in Nigeria which are:

    1.? Poor Societal Perception: Many people are yet to understand the meaning, scope and content of vocational and technical education. Some view it as education for the handicapped or education for those who cannot cope with the sciences. (Osa-Edoh ,2008)

    2.??? Poor Societal Attitude: The attitude of people towards vocational and technical education contributes to the problems in teaching the subject. It notes that in schools, the teacher could be teaching people who are not interested in the subject that is being taught. (Idialu, 2007).

    3.???Elitism: Elitism could be described as the belief of a group in society that because of superior privileges, power and talent they tend to hold on to this belief through a system of education that will sustain this group?s interest. (Oviawe and Anavberokhai, 2008).

    4.??? Poor Entry Level: Students who enroll in vocational and technical education programs are considered to have low aptitude. The technical schools find it hard to attract good students because there is a strong misconception that they are reserved for the never-to- do-wells and other negative by-products. Those admitted because they cannot find other things to do barely pass through the program because of poor aptitude and attitude. (Oviawe and Anavberokhai, 2008).

    5.?? Lack of Recognition: There is a low recognition associated with manual labor in Nigeria. Unlike her counterparts in developed countries, the skilled craftsman does not enjoy the same recognition. (Oviawe and Anavberokhai, 2008).

    6.????Discrimination against Graduates of Technical and Vocational Education: There is also the problem of unhealthy perception or discrimination against technical graduates. It was stated that this discrimination is virtually visible amongst graduates of technical schools (technical college, monotechnics, colleges of technology, polytechnics) and university graduates. Up till now, the former is being managed by National Board for Technical Education while the latter is under the supervision of National Universities Commission. countries, the skilled craftsman does not enjoy the same recognition (Ogidefa, 2010).


    From the above, it shows that the TVET programmes in Nigeria are still not being acceptable by most of the people. Low prestige given to the TVET is the most factors that hinder the participation of the students to the TVET. Other factors like discrimination to the TVET programme, poor entry level to TVET, elitism, etc are also will become crucial if no actions taken to this issue. It is agreed that it was difficult to the government in enhancing or rebranding the educational systems especially TVET as it requires a lot of financial support and resources. However, due to the current globalization of the economy systems, the government of Nigeria needs to do something in promoting TVET as the economy will grow with the support from the TVET. The growth of the country is actually depending on how many unemployed in that country. The less number of unemployed, the more established the country. Few actions can be taken in promoting TVET like career conference, field trip, collaborating industrial training, providing career information center, etc.


    2.? Ogidefa, I. (2010). Enhancing Technical Vocational Education in Nigerian Schools. Socyberty. Retrieved from:

    3.??? Osa-Edoh G. I. (2008). The Place of Vocational And Technical Education In Skills Acquisition By Secondary School Students ? Implication For Counseling. Technical and Vocational Education Journal. 1(2). 84-90.

    4.? Oviawe, J.I. & Anavberokhai, M.O. (2008). The Role of Entrepreneurship Education In The Realization Of The National Economic Empowerment And Development Strategy (NEEDS). Technical and Vocational Education Journal, 1(1).

    Prepared By: Nurihah Mohamad Saleh (MP 111227)


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    New Game Console Ships To Developers Today (VIDEO ...

    In July this year, a surprise showed up on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter with the announcement of the Ouya Video Game Console.

    The console itself will not compete against the giants from Sony and Microsoft, but it?s not aiming to do so, either. Instead, its focus is on the independent game developer, not the major game studios. With the rise of independent game studios in the past several years, there are now more independent game titles on the market than major. The independents are even making waves on a large scale, with games such as Journey being nominated for Game of the Year by Spike TV. The result is, these new game companies are churning out more content, and the current gatekeepers for them on your television, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, have been able to pick and chose which ones are made available, and which ones are not.

    Ouya aims to bypass their status as gatekeepers in much the same way in which video streaming devices such as Roku and Boxee Box enabled customers to bypass their cable companies. Its creators aim to offer, for under $100, a comparable gaming experience to the one you?d find with the larger game consoles. It does this in several ways, most notably through the focus on the Oyua?s online content model. This enabled the elimination of features found on other game consoles which are now redundant.

    // ]]>

    Ouya has now shipped 1,600 machines to developers aiming to release software for the systems release in March. Their website has several large game companies already signed up to deliver content for the little box as well. The future is uncertain for any company which has as its goal to tackle on industry giants such as Microsoft and Sony, but based on the popular feedback and excitement already growing around the little box, it?s definitely off to a good start.

    Happy gaming. And if you?re a developer, you can expect to witness something similar to this shortly:


    Nathaniel Downes is the son of a former state representative of New Hampshire, now living in Seattle Washington.

    Feel free to follow Nathaniel Downes on Facebook.

    Related posts:

    Tags: boxee box, game consoles, independent game developers, nintendo, Ouya, Playstation, roku, xbox


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    Friday, December 28, 2012

    These DIY Biking Signal Gloves Make Sure Every Car Sees Your Hand Signals

    These DIY Biking Signal Gloves Make Sure Every Car Sees Your Hand Signals Whether you're biking or driving, everyone has to share the road, ideally in a safe way so no one gets hurt. These DIY signal gloves aren't the prettiest around, but a little reflective tape on a pair of warm gloves will make sure any car on the road sees your hand signals and knows when you need to change lanes or turn well ahead of time.

    Instructables user harmless_matt used a pair of mittens that have flip-up fingers so he could wear the gloves fingerless when he wasn't biking, and then bring down the signals for use when he was moving around down. Just extend your hand out so the reflective arrow catches the lights of the car (or is just in view of the drive) to indicate which direction you need to go. The reflective tape makes sure your signal is seen, and the arrow makes sure it's understood.

    Granted, simple arrows aren't the same as internationally recognized hand signals, but arrows are probably less prone to misunderstanding. We've covered an automatic option before that requires some work, but this method will get you fixed up and out the door in moments. More importantly, they help keep everyone?drivers and bikers?safe on the roads.

    Signal Gloves | Instructables


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    New, gentler snowstorm heads for Northeast

    It won't be a blockbuster snowfall, but most of the big cities in the Northeast will get one to three inches of snow. The Weather Channel's Chris Warren reports.

    By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

    A second, smaller winter storm will hit the Northeast Friday night and into Saturday, dumping up to 4 inches of snow in major cities and up to a foot and a half of snow in less populated areas. But it won?t pack nearly the punch of the one earlier this week that brought twisters, high winds, icy roads, power outages and record snowfall, and that led to at least 17 deaths and thousands of grounded flights, affecting tens of thousands of holiday travelers.

    "This storm will move at a rather brisk pace, so we don't expect any overwhelming snow amounts," reported.

    New York City can expect 2-4 inches Saturday morning and into the evening, reported, calling it a "postcard" storm ideal for sledding and strolling.

    More storm coverage at

    Washington, D.C., is looking at 1-3 inches, was forecasting. Some of that snow is likely to mix with rain.

    Freezing rain -- making for treacherous travel conditions -- was predicted for parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia while significant rain was likely along the New Jersey, Virginia and Maryland coasts, the?National Weather Service?said.

    The weather service forecast 12 to 18 inches of snow for northern New England, accompanied by freezing rain and sleet.

    Tom Olney, a 50-year-old stay-at-home father of two, was making plans to go sledding with his children in their hometown of Wayland, Mass.?

    "We love snow," Olney told Reuters. "What else are you going to do when it's this wet and cold out?"?

    Western Massachusetts, like much of the Northeast, had an uncharacteristically mild winter last year, but residents such as Olney say they are ready for a more typical cold season.?

    "Mother Nature doesn't usually give you two in a row," he said. "We've still got a lot of supplies from last year, so I guess we're ready for it now."?

    Eleven inches of snow was forecast for Buffalo, N.Y., where some 8 to 12 inches of snow fell overnight into Thursday. Prior to that, Buffalo was 23 inches below average for this time of year, the weather service said.

    "It's just a reminder: Winter is here," said Tom Paone of the National Weather Service in Buffalo.

    The earlier winter storm was tied to at least 17 deaths and?forced the cancellation of thousands of airline flights. It?dumped record snow in north Texas and Arkansas before sweeping through the South on Christmas Day and then veering north, where the Adirondacks got 20 inches of snow.

    More than 2,000 flights have been canceled, and more than 200,000 customers are without power in several Southern states as the impact of severe winter weather was felt across the nation. NBC's Eric Fisher reports.

    It also triggered tornadoes and left almost 200,000 homes and businesses in Arkansas and Alabama lost power on Wednesday.

    In Arkansas, 135,000 homes and businesses were still without power Friday morning, and the state's largest utility said many might not get it back until after Jan. 1. Freezing rain was expected Friday, making it harder for utility crews to repair lines.

    Deena Brazell spent a night in her car for warmth, though she hadn't planned it that way.

    "Everything in the apartment is electric. I stayed in the apartment the first night. After that, it got cold really quick," she told The Associated Press. "I went out to charge the phone and fell asleep, then I just decided to stay."?

    Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.?

    Ice and snow changes our environment, as winter engulfs our world.

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    Women's Fashion Magazines Ad Sales Increased ... - Business Insider

    Despite ad pages being down in consumer magazines this year, women's fashion magazines had a great year. According to MagazineRadar, ad pages for this niche were up 6.5 percent from last year, compared to consumer magazine ad pages that slumped 5.3 percent.

    Of the top seven women's fashion magazines, Vogue, closely followed by InStyle, contained the most ad pages.


    When looking at these seven magazines, J.C. Penney bought the most ad pages with 160 pages in four of the top seven publications.



    According to Ad Age, J.C. Penney spent almost $1.2 billion in advertising last year, with $53.6 million going towards the magazine platform.?

    While J.C. Penney was the company that bought the most ad pages, Stella McCartney was the most mentioned brand this year. This label is run by Paul McCartney's daughter.


    An almost completely different set of companies, except for Barneys New York, had major online ad sales this year. Saks Fifth Avenue leads the pack by almost 300 ad placements.


    MagazineRadar does not have data available for January to March of 2012.

    ?*Measured among 158 MPA member magazines.


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    Thursday, December 27, 2012

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    Consumers, businesses brace for 'fiscal cliff' impact

    6 hrs.

    For much of this year, business managers have blamed uncertainties over the looming ?fiscal cliff? for their reluctance to pick up the pace of new hiring. ?

    As the budget?deadline nears with no deal in sight, we may be about to find out just justified those fears are.

    Without a deal, the current budget law calls for a half-trillion-dollar package of tax hikes and spending cuts that most forecasters warn would, if left in force for long, send the U.S. economy back into recession.

    Reid: Fiscal cliff failure looks likely, blames Boehner for 'dictatorship'

    After strong gains in income in November, American households will see their paychecks shrink a bit when a two-year payroll tax "holiday" expires Dec. 31. The new rate will clip?2 percent from?every dollar of wage income, or?about $20 a week for someone making the median salary of?$50,000 a?year. ?

    ?People will start to feel it fairly quickly in their paychecks,? said Ian Shepherdson, an economist at Pantheon Macroeconomic Advisers.??I don't think the economy will fall apart completely (in the short term). But we?ve seen already that business confidence is weakening and consumer confidence is weakening. So the uncertainty is a problem.?

    Small business owners are especially negative. Just five percent of them plan on adding new jobs, according to the latest monthly survey of its members by the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Only 19 percent said they plan to invest in new equipment in the next three to six months.

    The business gloom does not bode well for the U.S. economy, which already faces weak conditions on several other fronts. Export growth is slowing as a?European recession and a?slowdown in China weigh on global demand for American products and services. Growth in government spending likely will slow ? whether or not a budget deal is reached to avoid the deeper cuts already set to kick in. That leaves spending by business and consumers to keep the economy afloat.

    It remains to be seen whether businesses are holding back because of the ongoing budget battle. An alternative explanation is that business owners are hoping their can maximize profits by spending less and hiring fewer full-time?workers, instead?making do with temporary or part-time workers more or less indefinitely.

    ?That means more temporary workers, less investment in the future, lower productivity gains and a lower growth rate in the future,? said UBS economist Drew Matus. ?That?s a worst case scenario. So we all better hopes it?s the fiscal cliff causing some of these people to hold back.?

    Though hiring picked up in the second half of this year, the overall pace is far lower than typically seen more than three years into an economic recovery. Since the 2007 recession ended, the number of part-time workers who can?t get full-time work has been stuck at double the level seen when the downturn began. ?

    The spectacle of political dysfunction is likely to keep business managers in a sour mood for some?time.?

    Though the new package of tax hikes and federal spending cuts is set to begin Jan. 1, the impact of those new measures will be felt gradually. Tax hikes will be spread over a full year. Some government?agencies may postpone spending cuts in?hopes that they'll be reversed before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30. ?

    More worrisome is the pending fight over raising the debt ceiling, which will exhaust the government?s borrowing authority in February.

    Unless lawmakers agree to extend it, the Treasury faces the same threat of default that threw the budget process into chaos?in July 2011 and cost the U.S. its Triple-A credit rating. The three major bond rating agencies have already warned that failure to reach a credible deal to contain federal budgets deficits could bring yet another downgrade.

    US Treasury to take steps to avoid hitting debt ceiling

    The best case scenario has Congress returning in January to enact a compromise agreement that President Barack?Obama signs into law, lifting the pall over business and consumers and sparking a fresh spurt of economic growth.

    ?That?s sort of what happened last summer when we had the debt ceiling fiasco,? said Sheperdson. ?Things rebounded fairly quickly. But while the negotiations were going on, payroll growth rolled over. And I?m nervous that we could get something similar this time.?

    Until the budget fiasco is resolved, with businesses sitting on their hands, consumers remain the last best hope to keep the economy afloat. ?

    ?The consumer has really been holding things up,? said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors. ?Whether its retail sales, whether it's motor vehicle sales and even the biggest sales of all, housing, the consumer has been out there.?

    Though wages have remained nearly flat since the recession ended, U.S. households have continued to pay down debt. Record lower interest rates have sparked a wave of refinanced mortgages that have plowed billions of dollars back into household budgets.

    But the protracted display of Congressional incompetence may already be weighing on consumer spending, which accounts for 70 cents of every dollar of gross domestic product. ?On Friday, the latest read on consumer confidence, from a monthly Thompson Reuters/University of Michigan survey, showed that consumer sentiment fell sharply in December. ?A private survey, released Monday, similarly showed confidence getting eroded by fiscal cliff worries.

    Without a budget deal, higher taxes will crimp consumers? spending power ? but only gradually. That?s why many economists believe the fiscal cliff is really more a like a slope.

    Naroff likens the budget deadline to a snowball that will be released Jan. 1, picking up size and force as it continues to roll down the hill.

    ?To me the biggest uncertainty in all of this ? and for which we don?t have any estimates - is what happens to confidence?? he said. ?If consumers say, ?Hey, this thing is really getting very bad, Congress doesn't know what it is doing. ?I'm cutting back.? then we could have the snowball hit on consumer spending - with weakness in the business side. And then you have a real problem.?


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    Autopsy: NY gunman shot self, not hit by police

    This 2006 image provided by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department shows William H. Spengler Jr. Authorities say Spengler, 62, set a house and car ablaze Monday, Dec. 24, 2012 in Webster, N.Y., and then opened fire, killing two firefighters and wounding two others. Spengler, who served 17 years in prison for the 1980 slaying of his grandmother, later killed himself after a shootout with police. (AP Photo/Monroe County Sheriff's Department )

    This 2006 image provided by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department shows William H. Spengler Jr. Authorities say Spengler, 62, set a house and car ablaze Monday, Dec. 24, 2012 in Webster, N.Y., and then opened fire, killing two firefighters and wounding two others. Spengler, who served 17 years in prison for the 1980 slaying of his grandmother, later killed himself after a shootout with police. (AP Photo/Monroe County Sheriff's Department )

    This undated image provided by the West Webster fire department shows firefighter Theodore Scardino. Scardino was wounded when William Spengler, 62, who served 17 years in prison for the 1980 hammer killing of his grandmother, armed himself with a revolver, a shotgun and a semiautomatic rifle before he set his house on fire to lure first responders into a death trap before dawn Monday, Dec. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/West Webster Fire Department)

    This undated image provided by the West Webster fire department shows firefighter Joseph Hofstetter. Hoftstetter was wounded when William Spengler, 62, who served 17 years in prison for the 1980 hammer killing of his grandmother, armed himself with a revolver, a shotgun and a semiautomatic rifle before he set his house on fire to lure first responders into a death trap before dawn Monday, Dec. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/West Webster Fire Department)

    The gunman who lured two firefighters to their deaths died of a self-inflicted shot to the head and wasn't hit by return fire from a police officer, New York State Police said Thursday.

    But investigators still hadn't made a positive identification of the body found in William Spengler's burned house. They have said they believe the remains are those of his 67-year-old sister, Cheryl Spengler, who also lived in the house near Rochester.

    Autopsies showed that West Webster volunteer firefighter Michael Chiapperini died of a single gunshot and Tomasz Kaczowka was killed by two, police said.

    Spengler set a car on fire and touched off an "inferno" in his Webster home on a strip of land along the Lake Ontario shore, took up a sniper's position and opened fire on the first firefighters to arrive at about 5:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve, authorities said. He wounded two other firefighters and an off-duty police officer who was on his way to work.

    A Webster police officer who had accompanied the firefighters shot back at Spengler with a rifle in a brief exchange of gunfire before the gunman killed himself.

    Trooper Mark O'Donnell said investigators weren't releasing information about how Spengler got the military-style Bushmaster .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle, 12-gauge shotgun and .38-caliber revolver found with his body. He said they're still tracing the history of the guns. Spengler spent 17 years in prison for killing his grandmother in 1980 and was barred from possessing weapons as a convicted felon.

    Police have said they believe Spengler used the rifle to attack the firefighters because of the distances involved, but O'Donnell said that hadn't been confirmed by ballistics tests. The rifle, which had a combat-style flash suppressor, is similar to the one used by the gunman who massacred 20 children and six women in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school earlier this month.

    The wounded firefighters, Joseph Hofstetter and Theodore Scardino, were upgraded Wednesday to satisfactory condition at Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital.

    The hospital released a statement from them saying they were "humbled and a bit overwhelmed by the outpouring of well wishes for us and our families."

    The Spengler siblings had lived in the home with their mother, Arline Spengler, who died in October. In all, seven houses were destroyed by the flames.

    Investigators found a rambling, typed letter laying out Spengler's intention to destroy his neighborhood and "do what I like doing best, killing people."

    He had been released from parole in 2006 on the manslaughter conviction and authorities said they had had no encounters with him since.

    Police Chief Gerald Pickering said police may never know Spengler's motive.

    Chiapperini, who also was a police lieutenant, was driving a pumper with Scardino on board when bullets blasted the windshield. He and Kaczowka died at the scene. Hofstetter was hit in the pelvis, and Scardino was shot in the shoulder and knee.

    The passing off-duty officer from the neighboring town of Greece was treated for shrapnel wounds from gunfire that hit his car.

    Calling hours for Chiapperini and Kaczowka will be at Webster Schroeder High School on Friday and Saturday. A funeral for Chiapperini is scheduled for Sunday at the school, with burial in West Webster Cemetery.

    A funeral Mass for Kaczowka, who worked as a Monroe County emergency dispatcher, will be held Monday in Rochester at St. Stanislaus Church, with burial at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

    Associated Press


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    Kelly's Christmas Real Estate in Review | Oregon ... - The Kelly Group

    I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas!

    Remember last month when I wrote ?For years I have been negotiating offers on Christmas Eve day and wondering how I am supposed to wrap presents!!!?I don?t see any reason why this year will be any different! :) ??

    Well, ?at 8am on Christmas eve I had the privilege of signing closing documents with some very special Sellers! Charlie and Debi were my very first clients over 13 years ago and the story of Selling their home and finding their new one was the most amazing story ever!! This was their second house sale which I am excited to have been a part of!!

    Thank you ALL for being such loyal and faithful clients and friends, I have appreciated all the referrals that you have given me over the years to trust me with your friends and family. I truly know that it is an honor and I take it seriously!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Kelly and the entire Kelly Group Staff


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    Wednesday, December 26, 2012

    Health Issues Make Kids Bullying Targets

    Bullying over health issues is common, according to two studies looking at kids with food allergies and those going through weight-loss programs.

    In one study, almost 32% of children with food allergies reported bullying or harassment specifically related to their allergy, often involving threats with food, Eyal Shemesh, MD, of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, and colleagues found.

    In a second study, 64% of teens at weight-loss camps reported weight-related victimization, not just by schoolmates but often by friends, coaches, teachers, and parents too, Rebecca Puhl, PhD, of Yale University, and colleagues reported.

    Both studies appeared online in Pediatrics.

    Because of the immediate and long-term physical and emotional effects, pediatricians and other clinicians should get involved in concrete ways, advised Mark Schuster, MD, PhD, of Boston Children's Hospital, and Laura Bogart, PhD, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, in an accompanying commentary.

    They recommended anticipatory guidance for children and parents by describing bullying and its consequences and teaching parents how to recognize clues that it's occurring.

    "In addition, clinicians can learn to recognize indicators of possible bullying such as unexplained bruises, cuts, and scratches, as well as school avoidance, social isolation, anxiety, depression, substance use, and chronic physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, stomachaches). They should be particularly alert when patients have stigmatizing characteristics that could lead to bullying (e.g., obesity, disabilities, gender nonconformity)."

    Bus Bullies Get Harassed in Wake of Viral Video Watch Video

    Shemesh's group analyzed surveys of 251 established food allergy patients, ages 8 to 17, and their parents at a single allergy clinic in the Enhancing, Managing, and Promoting Well-Being and Resiliency program.

    Any bullying or harassment of these children was reported by 45% of them and 36% of their parents, although with poor agreement when related to reasons other than the food allergy.

    Being victimized due specifically to food allergies accounted for most of these cases, with 32% of the food allergic kids and about 25% of their parents reporting such bullying.

    Almost all the bullies were classmates (80%), and most bullying happened at school (60%).

    The most common form was teasing (42%), followed by waving the allergen in front of the child (30%).

    Notably, 12% had been forced to touch the food they are allergic to and 10% had food thrown at them.

    Bullying was significantly associated with poorer quality of life scores and greater anxiety, which the researchers noted was independent of allergy severity.

    While most of the bullied kids said they had told someone about what happened, parents knew in only about half of the cases.

    When parents did know, though, it was associated with better quality of life and less distress in the bullied children.

    To increase disclosure of bullying, "clinicians might consider asking a screening question about bullying during encounters with children with food allergy," Shemesh's group suggested.

    While it's hard to compare the results with those of other studies, general population rates appear to be 17% to 35%, suggesting that food-allergic children may be bullied or harassed more than their peers, they pointed out.

    "This finding, although alarming, is not surprising, given that children with food allergies have a vulnerability that can be easily exploited," they wrote.


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    8 Essential iPad Apps for Bloggers | Tools - Web Design Ledger

    Before I begin, let me just say what this list is, and what it isn?t. It?s not just a random set of iPad apps that can, but on the other hand, don?t have to turn out to be that useful to you. I also didn?t want to give you countless alternatives for a specific single aspect of blogging.

    Instead, I?ve tried to take a broad look at blogging as a profession and point out a set of apps that will simply allow you to do your work smoothly and with better effectiveness.

    (By the way, I actually use these apps myself.)

    Also, I will try to keep this as low budget as possible, but not everything is free. Even though the digital world of today allows us to get quite a lot of quality for no cost at all, sometimes investments need to be made if we want to make our work easier.

    1. Blogsy

    blogging tools

    Let?s start with the main app for bloggers. You might be surprised that it?s not WordPress, but there?s actually something a lot better than the official app. Blogsy isn?t free, but it?s just a minor investment ($4.99).

    The app allows you to write posts using a clear an usable interface, and then send them out to a number of publishing platforms including: WordPress, Blogger, Posterous, Typepad, Joomla, and more (image below). However, the biggest strength of this app is the possibility to create new posts offline and to do it in a clear and easy to grasp manner.

    blogging tools

    Of course, all standard text formatting features are available, and you can also include videos, pictures, links, and content from other platforms on the Internet. In the end, this is the most important app on this list. Without it your blogging would be a lot more difficult.

    By the way, I?m using it right now to create this very post.

    2. WordPress

    blogging tools

    Okay, time for the official app. Even though Blogsy is better for doing the actual blogging, the official app can still come handy. Besides, it?s free.

    The main value of this app lies in its possibility to edit whatever has already been published on your blog. This includes posts, pages, and comments. There?s really no better way of moderating comments than through this app.

    You can also use Blogsy for updating your live posts and pages, but from my experience, it just creates a big mess in your Blogsy files, so I don?t advise it.

    3. Aviary

    blogging tools

    Aviary was one of the most popular online photo editing apps (before it went through a major direction change, so to speak). This is the iPad version of the main app. Both Blogsy and WordPress allow you to include photos in your blog posts, but the photo editing capabilities of these apps are not that great. Aviary does a much better job at it, and it?s free.

    Some features Aviary has to offer: auto enhancement, orientation, cropping, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, red-eye removal, and more (image below).

    blogging tools

    Aviary takes photos from your camera roll or allows you to shoot new ones. Once you?re done editing, the new version of the image is saved back to your camera roll. Then you can upload it through Blogsy or WordPress.

    4. MindMeister

    blogging tools

    Mind mapping is a great way to organize your thoughts, plans, strategies, and post ideas. If you don?t know what mind mapping is then feel free to visit Wikipedia, which does quite a good job at explaining it.

    Mind mapping isn?t the most difficult thing to do on a standard PC, but on an iPad it becomes even easier. When you have the multitouch and drag and drop interface at your disposal you can make your work truly effortless. Plus, the tool itself is very easy to use, offers quite a lot of interesting features, and it?s free.

    You can create an unlimited number of mind maps, synchronize them through the online interface of, and even export them to other mind map formats, or standard PDF and PNG files.

    5. Teed

    blogging tools

    It?s time for the first productivity app on this list. In essence, Teed is a to-do list management app. But what?s great about it (other than the fact that it?s free) is that it?s in tune with GTD ? one of the most popular time and work management methodologies.

    Even if you?re not using GTD, you can still benefit from this app a lot. It has a clear interface, and all the features you?d need, including: the possibility to work on multiple projects, prioritize, set notifications, tagging, password protection, modify the app badge, and much more.

    6. Analytics

    blogging tools

    It?s probably about time to mention an app for tracking your performance and web stats. There are many paid solutions out there, but one of the best ones is still free ? it?s Google Analytics (no surprise here).

    As far as I know, there?s no decent Google Analytics app for the iPhone, but the one for the iPad lets you in on almost the complete set of features your Analytics profile has to offer. You can track multiple profiles (sites) and look at your stats from every possible angle (your audience, traffic sources, popular content, conversions, and so on).

    7. Google Drive

    blogging tools

    Quite simply, this app gives you access to all your Google Docs files. It?s free and (kind of) offers you everything the full online version does. I?m saying kind of because, for some reason, you can?t edit the spreadsheets. I guess this is something the next versions will fix.

    Other than that, this app is the complete package. You can browse your documents, create new ones, edit them, and share them with other users.

    8. Dropbox

    blogging tools

    I?m sure that your iPad isn?t the only device where you keep your content and do your work, so a service like Dropbox can surely come handy for you. What?s important about this app is that it grants you access to your online Dropbox account.

    I?m sure you?re familiar with Dropbox itself ? the online disk space and platform that keeps your files synchronized between every computer you own.

    The important thing is that it?s not like a standard Dropbox app (the desktop one). It doesn?t create a folder on your iPad and automatically synchronize everything in it. This app is only a clearer interface to access your online account, through which you can download each file individually.

    You can also upload pictures and videos directly from the app itself. Plus, if you install additional apps (like Documents), you can link them to Dropbox and upload other files as well.

    When it comes to viewing your files, Dropbox has some basic capabilities to view images and text files, but for other types of files it?s good to install additional apps like FileApp, for example.

    blogging tools

    This closes my list of 8 essential iPad apps for bloggers. Feel free to let me know what you think and also point out other apps you find useful.

    About the Author

    Karol K. is a freelance blogger and writer. He's passionate about design, blogging and online business. If you want to get a list of websites that pay to write feel free to visit him at YoungPrePro.

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    Over the fiscal cliff: How hard a landing?

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? Efforts to save the nation from going over a year-end "fiscal cliff" were in disarray as lawmakers fled the Capitol for their Christmas break. "God only knows" how a deal can be reached now, House Speaker John Boehner declared.

    President Barack Obama, on his way out of town himself, insisted a bargain could still be struck before Dec. 31. "Call me a hopeless optimist," he said.

    A look at why it's so hard for Republicans and Democrats to compromise on urgent matters of taxes and spending, and what happens if they fail to meet their deadline:



    Partly by fate, partly by design, some scary fiscal forces come together at the start of 2013 unless Congress and Obama act to stop them. They include:

    ? Some $536 billion in tax increases, touching nearly all Americans, because various federal tax cuts and breaks expire at year's end.

    ? About $110 billion in spending cuts divided equally between the military and most other federal departments. That's about 8 percent of their annual budgets, 9 percent for the Pentagon.

    Hitting the national economy with that double whammy of tax increases and spending cuts is what's called going over the "fiscal cliff." If allowed to unfold over 2013, it would lead to recession, a big jump in unemployment and financial market turmoil, economists predict.



    If New Year's Day arrives without a deal, the nation shouldn't plunge onto the shoals of recession immediately. There still might be time to engineer a soft landing.

    So long as lawmakers and the president appear to be working toward agreement, the tax hikes and spending cuts could mostly be held at bay for a few weeks. Then they could be repealed retroactively once a deal was reached.

    The big wild card is the stock market and the nation's financial confidence: Would traders start to panic if Washington appeared unable to reach accord? Would worried consumers and businesses sharply reduce their spending? In what could be a preview, stock prices around the world dropped Friday after House Republican leaders' plan for addressing the fiscal cliff collapsed.

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has warned lawmakers that the economy is already suffering from the uncertainty and they shouldn't risk making it worse by blowing past their deadline.



    If negotiations between Obama and Congress collapse completely, 2013 looks like a rocky year.

    Taxes would jump $2,400 on average for families with incomes of $50,000 to $75,000, according to a study by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. Because consumers would get less of their paychecks to spend, businesses and jobs would suffer.

    At the same time, Americans would feel cuts in government services; some federal workers would be furloughed or laid off, and companies would lose government business. The nation would lose up to 3.4 million jobs, the Congressional Budget Office predicts.

    "The consequences of that would be felt by everybody," Bernanke says.



    Much of the disagreement surrounds the George W. Bush-era income tax cuts, and whether those rates should be allowed to rise for the nation's wealthiest taxpayers. Both political parties say they want to protect the middle-class from tax increases.

    Several tax breaks begun in 2009 to stimulate the economy by aiding low- and middle-income families are also set to expire Jan. 1. The alternative minimum tax would expand to catch 28 million more taxpayers, with an average increase of $3,700 a year. Taxes on investments would rise, too. More deaths would be covered by the federal estate tax, and the rate climbs from 35 percent to 55 percent. Some corporate tax breaks would end.

    The temporary Social Security payroll tax cut also is due to expire. That tax break for most Americans seems likely to end even if a fiscal cliff deal is reached, now that Obama has backed down from his call to prolong it as an economic stimulus.



    If the nation goes over the fiscal cliff, budget cuts of 8 percent or 9 percent would hit most of the federal government, touching all sorts of things from agriculture to law enforcement and the military to weather forecasting. A few areas, such as Social Security benefits, Veterans Affairs and some programs for the poor, are exempt.



    All sorts of stuff could get wrapped up in the fiscal cliff deal-making. A sampling:

    ? Some 2 million jobless Americans may lose their federal unemployment aid. Obama wants to continue the benefits extension as part of the deal; Republicans say it's too costly.

    ? Social Security recipients might see their checks grow more slowly. As part of a possible deal, Obama and Republican leaders want to change the way cost-of-living adjustments are calculated, which would mean smaller checks over the years for retirees who get Social Security, veterans' benefits or government pensions.

    ? The price of milk could double. If Congress doesn't provide a fix for expiring dairy price supports before Jan. 1, milk-drinking families could feel the pinch. One scenario is to attach a farm bill extension to the fiscal cliff legislation ? if a compromise is reached in time.

    ? Millions of taxpayers who want to file their 2012 returns before mid-March will be held up while they wait to see if Congress comes through with a deal to stop the alternative minimum tax from hitting more people.



    In theory, Congress and Obama could just say no to the fiscal cliff, by extending all the tax cuts and overturning the automatic spending reductions in current law. But both Republicans and Democrats agree it's time to take steps to put the nation on a path away from a future of crippling debt.

    Indeed, the automatic spending cuts set for January were created as a last-ditch effort to force Congress to deal with the debt problem.

    If Washington bypassed the fiscal cliff, the next crisis would be just around the corner, in late February or early March, when the government reaches a $16.4 trillion ceiling on the amount of money it can borrow.

    Boehner says Republicans won't go along with raising the limit on government borrowing unless the increase is matched by spending cuts to help attack the long-term debt problem. Failing to raise the debt ceiling could lead to a first-ever U.S. default that would roil the financial markets and shake worldwide confidence in the United States.

    To avoid that scenario, Obama and Boehner are trying to wrap a debt limit agreement into the fiscal cliff negotiations.



    They're at loggerheads over some big questions.

    Obama says any deal must include higher taxes for the wealthiest Americans. Many House Republicans oppose raising anyone's tax rates. Boehner tried to get the House to vote for higher taxes only on incomes above $1 million but dropped the effort when it became clear he didn't have the votes.

    Republicans also insist on deeper spending cuts than Democrats want to make. And they want to bring the nation's long-term debt under control by significantly curtailing the growth of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security ? changes that many Democrats oppose.

    Obama, meanwhile, wants more temporary economic "stimulus" spending to help speed up a sluggish recovery. Republicans say the nation can't afford it.



    Seems like they could just make nice, shake hands and split their differences, right?

    But there's a reason neither side wants to give ground. The two parties represent a divided and inconsistent America. True, Obama just won re-election. But voters also chose a Republican majority in the House.

    Republican and Democrats alike say they are doing what the voters back home want.

    Neither side has a clear advantage in public opinion. In an Associated Press-GfK poll, 43 percent said they trust the Democrats more to manage the federal budget deficit and 40 percent preferred the Republicans. There's a similar split on who's more trusted with taxes.

    About half of Americans support higher taxes for the wealthy, the poll says, and about 10 percent want tax increases all around. Still, almost half say cutting government services, not raising taxes, should be the main focus of lawmakers as they try to balance the budget.

    When asked about specific budget cuts being discussed in Washington, few Americans express support for them.



    Time for deal-making is short, thanks to the holiday and congressional calendars. Some key dates for averting the fiscal cliff:

    ? Lawmakers aren't expected to return to the Capitol until after Christmas, leaving less than a week to vote on a compromise before year's end.

    ? Obama and his family also left town for a Christmas vacation in Hawaii. The president said because the fiscal cliff was still unresolved, he would return to Washington this week.

    ? If lawmakers reach Dec. 31 without a deal, some economists worry that the financial markets might swoon.

    ? The current Congress is in session only through noon Eastern time on Jan. 3. After that, a newly elected Congress with 13 new senators and 82 new House members would inherit the problem.


    Associated Press writers Jim Kuhnhenn, Alan Fram and Andrew Taylor and Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta contributed to this report.


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